序号 | 论文、著作、获奖、专利名称 | 发表刊物、出版社、 获奖、专利号 | 类别 | 主要完成人 |
1 | Areview of the Cypriniform tribe Yunnanilini Prokofiev, 2010 fromChina, with an emphasis on five genera based on morphologies andcomplete mitochondrial genomes of some species. | ZoologicalResearch, 2021, 42(3): 310-334 | 1区 | Lina Du*,JianYang,Junxing Yang* |
2 | Anew loach species of Troglonectes (Teleostei: Nemacheilidae) fromGuangxi, China. | ZoologicalResearch, 2021, 42(4): 423-427. | 1区 | Lixiao Zhao, Jiahui Liu,Lina Du* |
3 | Anew species of Kurixalus (Anura, Rhacophoridae) from Guizhou,China | ZoologicalResearch, 2021, 42(2): 227−233, 2021 | 1区 | Juan Zeng, Guohua Yu*,Lina Du |
4 | Diet,food availability, and climatic factor drive ranging behavior inwhite-headed langurs in the limestone forest of Guangxi, southwestChina | ZoologicalResearch, 2021,42(4): 406−411 | 1区 | Kechu Zhang, Qihai Zhou, Huailiang Xu*,Zhonghao Huang* |
5 | Positiveselection drives the evolution of a primate bitter taste receptorgene | Ecologyand Evolution, 2021, 11(10):5459-5467 | 2区 | DongXiaoyan, Liang Qiufang, Feng Ping* |
6 | PhylogeneticPosition of the Genus Alulacris (Orthoptera: Acrididae:Melanoplinae: Podismini) Revealed by Complete Mitogenome Evidence | Insects,2021,12:918 | 2区 | HaiyangXu, Sergey Yu. Storozhenko, ZhilinChen*and Jianhua Huang* |
7 | Comparativeanalysis of gut microbiota in captive and wild oriental whitestorks: implications for conservation biology | Frontiersin Microbiology, 2021, 12:649466 | 2区 | HongWu,QihaiZhou*,DapengZhao* |
8 | Phylogeneticposition of the genera Caryandoides, Paratoacris, Fer andLongchuanacris (Orthoptera :Acrididae) revealed by completemitogenome sequences | InvertebrateSystematics, 2021, 35:725–741 | 2区 | XiangZeng, ZhilinChen*, Jianhua Huang* |
9 | Foodavailability, temperature, and day length drive seasonalvariations in the positional behavior of white‐headed langurs inthe limestone forests of Southwest Guangxi, China | Ecologyand Evolution, 2021, 11: 14857-14872 | 2区 | JingjinZheng, Youbang Li*,ZhonghaoHuang* |
10 | Gutmicrobiota are associated with sex and age of host: evidence fromsemi-provisioned rhesus macaques in southwest Guangxi, China | Ecologyand Evolution, 2021, 11:8096–8122 | 2区 | YuhuiLi, Youbang Li, Yin Tang*,ZhonghaoHuang* |
11 | Geneticdiversity and population structure of Camelliahuana(Theaceae), a limestone species with narrow geographic range,based on chloroplast DNA sequence and microsatellite markers | PlantDiversity, 2020, 42: 343e350 | 2区 | ShuangLi, ShangliLiu, ShaoqingTang* |
12 | ReproductiveParameters of Captive Female Northern White-Cheeked (Nomascusleucogenys) and Yellow-Cheeked (Nomascus gabriellae) Gibbons | InternationalJournal of Primatology, 2021, 42:49–63 | 3区 | PenglaiFan*,XinHe,DingzhenLiu* |
13 | Socialnorms shape wild bird hunting: A case study from southwest China | GlobalEcology and Conservation, 2021, 32:e01882 | 3区 | FrancisA. Commerçon , ,Mingxia Zhang*, Jennifer N. Solomon |
14 | Theevolution of a bitter taste receptor gene in primates | ChemicalSenses,2021,46: bjab049 | 3区 | LiangQiufang, Shu Fanglan, Feng Ping* |
15 | Inferringspecies relationships among Camellia chrysanthoides and itsclosely related species for developing conservation strategies | Plantspecies biology, 2021, 36:390–398 | 3区 | HailingChen, Shangli Liu,ShaoqingTang* |
16 | Chloroplastand nuclear DNA analyses provide insight into the phylogeographyand conservation genetics of Camellianitidissima(Theaceae) in southern Guangxi, China | TreeGenetics & Genomes, 2021, 6: 2505-2506 | 3区 | XuelinLu, Hailing Chen, ShaoqingTang* |
17 | Thecomplete chloroplast genome of Saussurella borneensis(Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea) from China andits phylogenetic analysis | MitochondrialDNA Part B,2021,6:9, 2739-2740 | 4区 | WeianDeng*,RongjiaoZhang, XiaodongLi |
18 | Newgenus and new species of leaf-mimic pygmy grasshoppers from China (Orthoptera:Tetrigidae: Cladonotinae) | Zootaxa,2021, 4995 (3): 573–580 | 4区 | WeianDeng* |
19 | Descriptionof a new species of the genus Pseudepitettix Zheng (Orthoptera: Tetrigoidea:Cladonotinae) from China | Zootaxa,2021, 4990 (1): 182–191 | 4区 | ChaomeiHuang,WeianDeng* |
20 | Characterizationof the complete mitochondrial genomeof Tripetaloceroides tonkinensis (Orthoptera:Tetrigoidea) from China and its phylogeneticanalysis | MitochondrialDNA Part B, 2021, 6:7, 1990-1991 | 4区 | RongjiaoZhang, Lei Xin & WeianDeng* |
21 | Newgenus and new species of the subfamily Metrodorinae from China(Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) | Zootaxa,2021, 4964 (2): 345–362 | 4区 | XiangyiLu & WeianDeng* |
22 | Seasonalvariation in the gut microbiota of rhesus macaques inhabitinglimestone forests of southwest Guangxi, China | Archivesof Microbiology, 2021, 203:787–798 | 4区 | YuhuiLi, Youbang Li*,ZhonghaoHuang* |
23 | Taxonomicreview of the ant genus Echinopla (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) inChina | Entomotaxonomiaa,2021, 43(3): 237–244 | DanniChen, ZhilinChen* | |
24 | 广西蚁科昆虫名录 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021, 39( 4) : 116-157 | 陈德付,谢毓琳,梁小云,陈志林* | |
25 | CYP2D亚家族基因在灵长类动物中的药物代谢及进化研究 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(3):131-138 | 董小燕,梁秋芳,冯平* | |
26 | 人工饲养猫儿山小鲵个体发育特征初探 | 四川动物,2021,40(2): 196-202 | 宁梅红,武正军,黄华苑* | |
27 | 中国新纪录属种岩支蚁Cladomyrmascopulosa Eguchi &Bui(膜翅目:蚁科)记述 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(1) : 98-101. | 骆春璇,梁翠君,陈志林* | |
28 | 中国石山叶猴生态学研究进展 | 兽类学报,2021, 41(1):59-70 | 周岐海,黄乘明* | |
29 | 同域分布鼬獾和食蟹獴活动节律的比较 | 兽类学报,2021, 41(2):128-135 | 姚维,李佳琦*,周岐海* | |
30 | 中国非人灵长类声音通讯研究进展 | 广西师范大学学报,2021,39(1):1-9 | 杨丽婷,范鹏来*,周岐海* | |
31 | 济源太行山猕猴种群数量和保护现状 | 广西师范大学学报,2021,39(1): 45-52 | 付文,黎大勇*,周岐海* | |
32 | 喀斯特生境中野猪活动模式和时间分配 | 野生动物学报,2021,42, (2): 348-354 | 黄杨,汪国海*,周岐海* | |
33 | 不同演替阶段岩溶石灰土可培养细菌的群落特征 | 微生物学报,2021,61(6):1666-1680 | 严嘉慧,周岐海, 李强* | |
34 | 广西西南部熊猴对石山森林的利用 | 动物学杂志,2021,56(1): 16-27 | 李钰慧,周岐海,李友邦*,黄中豪* | |
35 | 白头叶猴与黑叶猴觅食行为的比较 | 兽类学报,2021, 41(4): 406-415 | 廖荣,黄中豪*,李友邦* | |
36 | 基于木本植物优势度的白头叶猴食物选择研究 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(1):53-64 | 郑景金,李友邦*,黄中豪* | |
37 | 基于单拷贝核基因PAL研究贵州金花茶遗传多样性 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(1) : 128-135 | 李爽,刘上丽,唐绍清* | |
38 | 广西大桂山鳄蜥的栖枝高度及其影响因素 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(5) : 182-189 | 罗树毅,黎永泰,武正军* | |
39 | 野生与人工繁育鳄蜥游泳能力比较 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021,39(1) : 79-86 | 程瑞,何明先,武正军* | |
40 | 酶法制备福寿螺内脏团抗菌肽 | 广西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2021, 39(6): 154-161 | 周子豪,刘禹含,黄锦龙*,武正军* | |
41 | 广西花坪蚂蚁图鉴 | 广西师范大学出版社 | 专著 | 陈志林等主编 |
42 | 广西湿地植被 | 科学出版社 | 专著 | 梁士楚主编 |
43 | 黑叶猴对喀斯特生境的行为适应机制和保护策略研究 | 广西自然科学奖 | 三等奖 | 周岐海、魏辅文、黄乘明、刘志瑾、李明 |
44 | 一种用于制作青蛙标本的定型操作台 | ZL2020217880669 | 实用新型 | 甘育露、余国华、武正军 |
45 | 一种具有分类功能的福寿螺收集装置 | ZL2021203390974 | 实用新型 | 黄锦龙、何明先、巫虹颖 |
46 | 一种实验室用福寿螺人工饲养装置 | ZL2021203639633 | 实用新型 | 黄锦龙、何明先、巫虹颖 |