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发布时间:2021-11-25 作者: 浏览次数:17








1.Ke-ChuZhang,Qi-Hai Zhou, Huai-Liang Xu*, Zhong-HaoHuang*. 2021. Diet, foodavailability, and climatic factor drive ranging behaviorinwhite-headed langurs in the limestone forest of Guangxi, southwestChina. ZoologicalResearch, 42(4): 406-411.

2.YuhuiLi, TingChen, Youbang Li, Yin Tang*,Zhonghao Huang*.2021. Gutmicrobiota are associated with sex and age of host: evidencefromsemi-provisioned rhesus macaques in southwest Guangxi, China.Ecologyand Evolution, 11(12): 8096-8122.

3.YuhuiLi, TingChen, Jipeng Liang, Youbang Li*, ZhonghaoHuang*. 2021.Seasonal variation in the gutmicrobiota of rhesus macaques inhabitinglimestone forests of southwestGuangxi, China. Archives ofMicrobiology, 203(2): 787-798.

4.YuhuiLi,Guangzhi Ma, Qihai Zhou, Youbang Li*, Zhonghao Huang*.2020.Nutrient contents predict the bamboo-leaf-based diet of Assamesemacaquesliving in limestone forests of southwest Guangxi, China.Ecology and Evolution,10(12): 5570-5581.

5.YoubangLi,Xiaohong Huang*,Zhonghao Huang*.2020. Behavioral adjustments andsupport use of François' langur in limestonehabitat in Fusui, China:Implications for behavioral thermoregulation. Ecologyand Evolution,10(11): 4956-4967.

6.YuhuiLi,Guangzhi Ma, Qihai Zhou, Zhonghao Huang*.2020. Seasonal variationin activity budget of Assamese macaques in limestoneforest ofSouthwest Guangxi, China. Folia Primatologica, 91(5): 495-511.

7.TingChen,Yuhui Li, Jipeng Liang, Youbang Li*, ZhonghaoHuang*. 2020. Variationsinthe gut microbiota of sympatric François’ langurs and rhesusmacaques living inlimestone forests in southwest Guangxi, China.Global Ecology and Conservation, 22: e00929.

8.TingChen,Zhonghao Huang*, Chengming Huang*, Hua Wei, Qihai Zhou. 2020.Positionalbehaviours of François’ langur (Trachypithecusfrancoisi)in the limestone forest of Nonggang, Guangxi, South-West China.FoliaPrimatologica, 91(3): 170-187.

9.KechuZhang, Qihai Zhou, Huailiang Xu*, ZhonghaoHuang*. 2020. Effect ofgroup size on timebudgets and ranging behavior of white-headedlangurs in limestone forest,Southwest China. Folia Primatologica,91(3): 188-201.

10.TingChen,Yuhui Li, Jipeng Liang, Youbang Li, ZhonghaoHuang*.2020. Gutmicrobiota of provisioned and wild rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta)living in a limestoneforest in southwest Guangxi, China.MicrobiologyOpen, 9(3): e981.



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