发布时间:2021-11-27 作者: 浏览次数:28
1From mainland to islands: colonization history in the tree frog Kurixalus (Anura: Rhacophoridae)2020-05-20Current Zoology, 1–9Yu Guo-Hua, Du Li-Na, Wang Ji-Shan
2First record of Theloderma pyaukkys Dever, 2017 (Anura: Rhacophoridae) in China, with range extension of Theloderma moloch (Annandale, 1912) to Yunnan2020-07-21Zoological research, 41(5): 576-580Du Li-Na, Liu Shuo, Hou Mian
3A new species of the genus Amolops (Anura: Ranidae) from Yunnan, China2020-03-04Zoological research, 41(2): 188-193Gan Yu-Lu, Yu Guo-Hua, Wu Zheng-Jun
4Morphotypes or distinct species? A multilocus assessment of two East Asian scimitar babblers (Aves, Timaliidae)2020-05-21Zoologica Scripta, 49(3): 265-279Chuanyin Dai,Feng Dong, Xiaojun Yang
5Nutrient contents predict the bamboo-leaf-based diet of Assamese macaques living in limestone forests of southwest Guangxi, China2020-06-29Ecology and Evolution, 10(12): 5570-5581Yuhui Li, Guangzhi Ma, Qihai Zhou
6Behavioral adjustments and support use of François' langur in limestone habitat in Fusui, China: Implications for behavioral thermoregulation2020-06-25Ecology and Evolution, 10(11): 4956-4967.Youbang Li, Xiaohong Huang, Zhonghao Huang
7Seasonal variation in activity budget of Assamese macaques in limestone forest of Southwest Guangxi, China2020-04-14Folia PrimatologicaYuhui Li, Guangzhi Ma, Qihai Zhou
8Variations in the gut microbiota of sympatric François’ langurs and rhesus macaques living in limestone forests in southwest Guangxi, China2020-06-19Global Ecology and Conservation, 22: e00929.Ting Chen, Yuhui Li, Jipeng Liang
9Gut microbiota of provisioned and wild rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) living in a limestone forest in southwest Guangxi, China.2020-03-13MicrobiologyOpen, 9(3): e981.Ting Chen, Yuhui Li, Jipeng Liang
10Ranging patterns and foraging patch utilization of Assamese macaques inhabiting limestone forests in southwest Guangxi, China2020-03-23Global Ecology and Conservation, 21: e00816Yuhui Li, Guangzhi Ma, Qihai Zhou
11Positional behaviours of François’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) in the limestone forest of Nonggang, Guangxi, South-West China2020-10-10Folia Primatologica, 91(3): 170-187.Ting Chen, Zhonghao Huang, Chengming Huang
12Effect of group size on time budgets and ranging behavior of white-headed langurs in limestone forest, Southwest China2020-05-25Folia Primatologica, 91(3): 188-201Kechu Zhang, Qihai Zhou, Huailiang Xu
13Endophytic fungi from the root tubers of, medicinal plant Stephania dielsiana and their antimicrobial activity. Acta Ecologica Sinica2020-01-01Acta Ecologica Sinica 40(5):383-387Wu Hongying, Yan Zhenling, Deng Yecheng
14Genetic diversity and population structure of Camellia huana (Theaceae), a limestone species with narrow geographic range, based on chloroplast DNA sequence and microsatellite markers2020-07-23Plant Diversity, 42(5)Shuang Li , Shang-Li Liu , Si-Yu Pei
17利用红外相机对广西崇左白头叶猴自然保护区兽类和鸟类资源的初步调查2020-07-15兽类学报. 40(4): 380-389段晓敏, 刘佳, 林建忠
18以兽类为例探讨我国陆生野生动物疫病监管中面临的问题与对策2020-05-15生物多样性. 28(5):566-578肖治术, 张礼标, 许磊
19亚热带不同纬度植物群落物种多样性分布规律2019-11-06生态学报40,4: 1249⁃1257李林,魏识广,练琚愉
20血散薯块根内生真菌Periconia igniaria Stdif10发酵产物的生物活性研究2019-11-27河南农业科学(1):75-81林伟, 骆海玉*, 邓业成
21产壳聚糖酶内生真菌的筛选、鉴定及酶活力初步研究2019-12-19广西植物金秋珠, 颜桢灵, 黄植清
22血散薯内生真菌的分离鉴定及其抗菌活性研究2019-09-27河南农业科学48(10): 84-92颜桢灵, 李国萍, 骆海玉
23基于 SSR 标记的平果金花茶的遗传多样性和遗传结构分析2020-05-28分子植物育种,18(10):3288 - 3293.陈莉萍,解兵斌,唐绍清
24桂林七星公园猕猴对游客的行为反应2020-06-23广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)刘筝; 李友邦; 黄中豪
25猫儿山小鲵肝的组织结构2020-07-12动物学杂志,55(5): 593-598陈毓,许爱兰,崔甄甄
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